Autograph Hound's Blah Blah Blog

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Matt Marcy Hawaii Cruise 2014

Yes, I have a problem and it concerns autographs. I was away from home and it’s been 5 days since I tracked down an autograph. It didn’t matter that I was in the tropical paradise known as Hawaii. It didn’t matter that I was with my beautiful wife. It didn’t matter that I was exhausted at the end of each day.  The itch was there; hiding behind every Lei or Banyan tree.  Each crash of a wave relaxed me and calmed me and allowed me to connect spiritually to my inner autograph hound.  The ever present Aloha and Mahalo didn’t distract me from wondering about odds of seeing Dog, the Bounty Hunter or the cast from Hawaii 5-O.

What made matters worse; I found out that I arrived in Hawaii a few days too late for a small Lost convention. I could have gotten Jorge Garcia!  How cool would that been?  That would have been perfect!

Of course, I would have been divorced not soon after. Small price to pay and all that. It’s not like this was an important trip. It was just celebrating our 10th anniversary, albeit 16 year late. I digress…

So, we are on ship. Sailing around Hawaii. There was a magic show. Upclose magic with Matt Marcy. I like magic. I like upclose magic. I dragged my wife.

It was a good show. Even with knowing how a few of the tricks were done, I was very entertained. He did it well. And the best part? Yes, you guessed it. He was signing copies of his DVD. How could I resist! Of course I queued up and
got a DVD signed.

We exchanged a few pleasantries. I mentioned he should be on SyFy Channel’s Wizard Wars. He mentioned they actually talked but filming and cruise schedules conflicted. I picked up my DVD and left.

My Mr Hyde was appeased and the monster was at bay for rest of the trip.



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